1. Title of the Practice: Inclusive Teaching-Learning

Sacred Heart College believes that students should be provided a meaningful education in an optimum environment so that they can make their life dignified and successful. Attempts are made to ensure quality education without any barriers like ability, physical disability, language, culture, family background or economic/social status.

  1. Objective

To adopt strategies that work best to advance equity, diversity, belonging and inclusion in the distinct teaching -learning contexts.

  1. The Context

The college admits students from diverse economic, social, cultural, educational and locational backgrounds. Fostering a feeling of belongingness and the overriding need to value students’ backgrounds, identities and experiences is considered to be essential in creating a climate that can influence anything from student engagement in class to student motivation and persistence.The challenge before teachers in our institution is to create a space where students are both challenged and heard. All this is strongly connected to how much students learn. Choosing to teach inclusively has been ingrained into the teaching methodologies of teachers. No student should feel neglected or marginalised in a classroom. All kinds of students from weak and strong financial backgrounds, from diverse social classes, differently-abled and strikingly different educational and familial backgrounds are given equitable and transformative learning opportunities. During the COVID pandemic, the online learning challenges of students varied in type and extent. Students faced many obstacles in their home learning environment such as availability of smart phones, high internet cost and limited interaction/socialization between and among students. Some other challenges faced were anxiety, depression, poor internet service and unfavourable home learning environment. These problems were aggravated in the case of marginalised students from remote areas. The challenge before the institution was to make online learning more accessible and inclusive.

  1. The Practice

The following practices are internalised in the institution :

  1. Building teacher-student rapport
  • Making it a point to learn students’ names
  • Ice breaking sessions in the beginning of the academic year
  • Getting to know about students by collecting bio-data at the beginning of the program
  • Engaging students in activities outside class hours
  • Online and phone chats, using social media for communication
  • Sharing by teachers of their passions, interests and experiences with students
  • Mentoring sessions
  • Parent teacher interaction, both formally and informally.
  • Going on field visits, excursions, trips, competitions, youth festivals with students
  • Remedial coaching for slow learners
  • Celebration of birthdays of faculty and students and festivals provides a congenial ambience in the campus
  • Teachers describe their own fears and struggles in learning new material to break down barriers and demystify the learning process
  • Motivational sharing by teachers in classroom spaces
  1. Building student-student rapport
  • Providing of opportunities for students to know and interact with each other through ice breaker sessions and encouraging them to work in pairs and groups
  • Encouraging dialogue about learning experiences and facilitating discussions of best and worst class experience to establish a climate of learning
  • Using narrative reflection to incorporate experiential knowledge and designing activities that allow students to draw on their diverse backgrounds and approaches to a course concept


  1. Minimise discrimination and value individuals
  • Treat each student as an individual by allowing them to self-identify themselves
  • Supporting students’ unique abilities and experiences
  • Caution exercised not to be overprotective or unduly strict towards any group of or individual students
  • Treating all students in an even-handed manner
  • Emphasising high standards with verbal assurances that teachers will support them and help them succeed


Addressing challenging classroom moments in the form of poor self-confidence, indifferent attitude, poor level of response and interaction, non-cooperative attitude and unwillingness to learn are some of the constraints faced by the teachers.

Several methods were followed during the pandemic to deal with the challenges of online learning and teaching:

  • Distribution of smart phones to students who do not possess one
  • Pre-recording of video lessons or lectures
  • Humanising the learning process by making it more dynamic, interactive and interesting
  • Continuously improving the quality of online classes
  • Allowing students to ask questions and collect feedback
  • Promoting collaborative learning
  • Asking students to turn on their videos to increase their attention
  • Regularly seek their real-time responses during online classes to keep them engaged
  • Students who could not access online classes could access them on the college You Tube channel or on platforms like Google classroom
  • The management took steps to build and improve digital learning platforms, provide stable internet connection, support students from poor socio-economic backgrounds who may not have digital devices and improve digital literacy among faculty and students


Evidence of Success

  • Collection and analysis of feedback by the Principal and the IQAC has shown positive academic and non-academic outcomes
  • Explicit articulation of learning goalsand objectives,transparency around performance expectations and criteria-based evaluationsystem has empowered students to share responsibility for their learning
  • Personal care and tutorials have improved individual performance
  • In the case of online learning, informal feedback collected from students that the methods employed have improved their online learning experience
  • Modification of online teaching in accordance with feedback received has assisted online learning
  • Online learning platforms were easy to use for the students
  • At that point of time it encouraged students to take part in the learning process since the instruction mode shifted to self-paced learning

Problems encountered and Resources required

  • Mental blocks of students towards certain courses
  • Low self-esteem
  • Dysfunctional families
  • Indifferent attitude
  • Work burden at home
  • Alcoholic fathers
  • Poverty of students
  • Terminally ill parents/dependents
  • Rural backgrounds
  • Overly strict parents/families
  • Limited personal freedom
  • Limited facilities for learning at home
  • Adapting to online learning for both faculty and students
  • Problems of access to internet
  • Lack of interaction reflecting on students’ personalities and progress
  • Lack of insufficient tools for student assessment
  • Lack of motivation to attend classes
  • Faculty could not identify individual differences quickly
  • Faculty found online class preparation more tedious


Some of the problems encountered were uncontrollable and external to the institution. However some factors were controllable and internal to the institution. Attempts to address all these issues were made within the framework of the college.

  • More financial resources were needed
  • More awareness programs for parents
  • More programs to raise self-esteem and reduce indifference


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