
The Faculty Development Program was organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Sacred Heart College Chalakudy on June 2, 2023, at Clare Hall. Dr. Ezhili N, Principal of PKR Arts College, Gopichettipalayam, Tamil Nadu, served as the resource person. This report provides an overview of the program's objectives, key sessions conducted, and the outcomes achieved.

Program Objectives:

  1. To enhance pedagogical teaching and learning practices among faculty members.
  2. To promote innovative and product-oriented projects in the teaching-learning process.
  3. To provide a platform for faculty members to share best practices and learn from each other.
  4. To foster collaboration and networking among educators from different disciplines.

Program Schedule:

10:00 AM - 10:15 AM: Registration and Welcome Address

10:15 AM - 12:30 PM: Session 1: Pedagogical Teaching and Learning

12:30 PM -   1:30 PM: Lunch Break

 1:30  PM -   2.00 PM: Microteaching Session

 2:00  PM -   4:00 PM: Session 2: Innovative Product-oriented Projects

 4:00  PM -   4:15 PM: Q&A Session and Concluding Remarks

 4:15  PM -   4:30 PM: Valedictory Session

Session Details: 

Session 1: Pedagogical Teaching and Learning

  • This session focused on exploring effective pedagogical strategies for teaching and learning.
  • Participants learned about innovative teaching methodologies, active learning techniques, and student engagement strategies.
  • Discussions revolved around the importance of assessment and feedback to enhance the learning process.

Microteaching Session:

  • In this session, participants had the opportunity to showcase their teaching skills in a controlled environment.
  • Each participant delivered a short teaching demonstration, followed by feedback and constructive critique from peers and the resource person.
  • The microteaching session aimed to enhance participants' pedagogical competence and presentation skills.

Session 2: Innovative Product-oriented Projects

  • This session emphasized the significance of integrating real-world projects into the curriculum.
  • Participants gained insights into designing and implementing innovative, hands-on projects that promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • The session also highlighted the role of project-based learning in fostering creativity and enhancing students' ability to apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations.


  1. Enhanced understanding and implementation of pedagogical teaching and learning practices among participants.
  2. Increased awareness of innovative approaches to engage students and promote active learning in the classroom.
  3. Development of skills and strategies to create and assess effective teaching materials and activities.
  4. Exploration of project-based learning methodologies and their applicability in different academic disciplines.
  5. Encouragement of collaboration and sharing of best practices among faculty members.
  6. Networking opportunities for educators from diverse backgrounds and disciplines.
  7. Cultivation of a culture of innovation and creativity in teaching and learning processes.
  8. Inspiration and motivation for participants to develop and implement product-oriented projects in their respective domains.
  9. Appreciation for the importance of continuous professional development and lifelong learning among educators.


The Faculty Development Program organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Sacred Heart College Chalakudy provided valuable insights and practical knowledge to faculty members. The sessions conducted by Dr. Ezhili N focused on pedagogical teaching and learning, microteaching, as well as innovative product-oriented projects. The program successfully achieved its objectives of enhancing teaching practices, promoting innovation, and fostering collaboration among educators. The outcomes of the program include improved pedagogical skills, the adoption of innovative teaching approaches, and the development of product-oriented projects.

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