19th January 2023 – Invited Talk on Span of Economics in the Contemporary World Order
The Department of Economics conducted an invited talk on Span of Economics in the Contemporary World Order on 19th January 2023 at 2:00 in the Clare Hall. Dr. Chacko Jose P, Principal, St. Aloysius College, Thrissur was the resource person.
19th January 2023 – Economics Association Inauguration
The activities of the Department of Economics was inaugurated by Dr. Chacko Jose P, Principal, St. Aloysius College, Thrissur on 19th January 2023 at 2:00 in the Clare Hall.
17th to 21st December 2022 – Study Tour
The final year BA Economics students along with three faculty visited Coorg, Chikmagalur and Belur from 17th December 2022 to 21st December 2022 as part of their curriculum.
16th November 2022 – Pledge for Action on Climate Change by Economics Dept.
Department of Economics in association with IQAC, Sacred Heart College, Chalakudy organized an Awareness Campaign on Action on Climate Change.
9th November 2022 – Debate: Should reservation be based on economic status?
The Department of Economics organised a Debate on Should reservation be based on economic status? in collaboration with Debate Club on 9/11/2022 at 2:30 pm in III BA Economics Class.
2nd November 2022 – PTA for II BA Economics
The Department of Economics conducted PTA for the II BA Economics students on 2nd November 2022 at 1:00 pm in the College Auditorium.
15th October 2022 – Debate: God’s own country without Dogs
The Department of Economics organised a Debate on God’s own country without Dogs in collaboration with Debate Club on 15/10/2022 at 2:30 pm in III BA Economics Class.
14th October 2022 – PTA for III BA Economics
The Department of Economics conducted PTA for the III BA Economics students on 14th October 2022 at 2:00 pm.
7th October 2022 – Alumnae Interaction Series
The Department of Economics organised an Alumnae Interaction Series in association with IQAC on 07/10/2022. Dr.Shirley Jose K welcomed the gathering. Dr. Smitha Antony, (PhD, MBA, MA) was the chief guest. The session was basically a motivational session in which she shared her experiences by narrating how her passion for economics led her to credible academic achievements. Ms. Sneha C.S delivered the Vote of thanks.
28th September 2022 – Industrial Visit
The students of final year BA Economics along with the faculty of the department visited Meriiboy Ice cream, Supreme Food Industries, Chelamattom, Ernakulam, Kerala on 28th September 2022.
16th September 2022 – Alumnae Interaction Series
The Department of Economics organised an Alumnae Interaction Series in association with IQAC on 16/09/2022. Dr. Shirley Jose K welcomed the gathering. Ms.Namitha Kanamkudam Joy shared her experience as Business Developer and Analyst in Ireland. Ms. Irfana Sherin delivered the Vote of thanks.
16th October 2022 – 30th October 2022: Preparation of Micro Plan for KILA
The Students of the Department of Economics guided by Mr. Nijil Jacobi, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics volunteered the data collection and presentation of micro plan to identify the extreme poor in Kadukutty Gramapanchayat from 16-8-2022 to 30-08-2022 monitored by Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA), an autonomous training, research and consultancy organisation constituted under the Ministry of Local Self Government, Government of Kerala for the preparation of micro plan for the destitute with an aim of elimination of extreme poverty from Kerala.
16th October 2022: One Day Orientation Programme by KILA
The Students of the Department of Economics and Mr. Nijil Jacobi, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics attended a one-day training programme organized by Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA) for the data collection and presentation of micro plan to identify the extreme poor in the Chalakudy Municipality on 16th October 2022 at Block Hall, Chalakudy.
12th August 2022 – Debate competition
The Debate Club and the Department of Economics in association with IQAC, Sacred Heart College, Chalakudy conducted a Debate Competition on 75 years of independence: Can India truly be counted among the world’s freest? on 12th August 2022 at 1:00 pm in the Clare Hall in connection with Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav celebration. There were 22 participants from all the departments. Anchris Joshy, Student, II MSc Zoology and Ayisha Farheen, III BSc Physics won the Best Debater Awards in the competition.
17th November 2021 – Inauguration of Economics Association 2021-22
The association of the Department of Economics was inaugurated by Dr. Perminder Kaur, HOD of Economics, Bhopal School of Social Sciences on 17th November 2021 followed by an invited lecture on “The gender Dialogues: You get to speak, are you being heard?”. The manuscript magazine “The Student Economist 2020-21” was also released on the same occasion.
11th November 2021 – Kerala Economy Quiz 2021
The Department of Economics conducted a quiz competition “Kerala Economy Quiz 2021” in connection with the Kerala Piravi Celebrations on 11th November 2021 at 1:00 pm in the college auditorium.
11th October 2021 – Released the Proceedings of the International Conference: Economics of Happiness and Welfare – Disquisitions on Economics of Welfare
The Department of Economics published the Proceedings of the International Conference: Economics of Happiness and Welfare – ‘Disquisitions on Economics of Welfare’ with an ISBN on 11th October 2021. Dr. Chacko Jose P, Dr. Shirley Jose K and Mr. Nijil Jacobi were the Editors for the same.
5th October 2021 – Released the Proceedings of the International Conference: Economics of Happiness and Welfare – Disquisitions on Economics of Happiness
The Department of Economics published the Proceedings of the International Conference: Economics of Happiness and Welfare – ‘Disquisitions on Economics of Happiness’ with an ISBN on 5th October 2021. Dr. Chacko Jose P, Dr. Shirley Jose K and Mr. Nijil Jacobi were the Editors for the same.
2nd October 2021 – Online Quiz
The students of the Department of Economics conducted an online quiz competition on 2nd October 2021 on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti. Prizes for the same were also distributed when they came to college.
23rd August 2021 – Signed MoU with Bhopal School of Social Sciences (BSSS), Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
The Department of Economics, Sacred Heart College, Chalakudy, Kerala signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Department of Economics, Bhopal School of Social Sciences (BSSS), Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh on 23rd August 2021 through Google Meet Platform in the presence of respective Principals.
22nd August 2021 – Online Presentation Competition
The Department of Economics conducted an online presentation competition for the higher secondary students on the occasion of 30 Years of Economic Reforms in India (1991 – 2021) on 22nd August 2021.
15th August 2021 – Releasing of the Proceedings of the National Conference
The Department of Economics published the Proceedings of the National Conference: Life in the 2020s with an ISBN on 15th August 2021. Dr. Chacko Jose P, Dr. Shirley Jose K and Mr. Nijil Jacobi were the Editors for the same.
6th August 2021 – Webinar on Sailing Ahead with Economics – Career and Higher Education Opportunities for Economic Graduate
One Day Webinar on “Sailing Ahead with Economics – Career and Higher Education Opportunities for Economic Graduate” was conducted jointly by the Department of Economics, St. Joseph’s College (Autonomus), Irinjalakuda, Kerala and the Department of Economics, Sacred Heart College, Chalakudy, Kerala on 6th August 2021. Dr. Chacko Jose P, Principal, St. Aloysius College, Elthuruth, Thrissur, Kerala and Former Associate Professor & Head of the Department of Economics, Sacred Heart College, Chalakudy, Kerala was the resource person.
20th July 2021 – National Seminar on The Emerging Urban Economy and Market Structures
A “National Seminar (online) on The Emerging Urban Economy and Market Structures” (Annual lecture series in honour of Sr Ritty Paul) was conducted through Zoom online platform on 20th July 2021. The conference was inaugurated by Dr. D. Retnaraj, Senior Fellow, ICSSR, Gulati Institute of Finance and Taxation Thiruvananthapuram, (Former Professor & Head, Department of Economics, University of Calicut). The keynote address was delivered by Dr. Jai Kishan Prasher, Associate Professor, Department of Economics Zakir Hussain College (E), New Delhi. There were 250 participants from different parts of India and 6 paper presentations.
18th to 19th June 2021 – Two Day International Conference on Economics of Happiness and Welfare
Two Day International Conference on “Economics of Happiness and Welfare” was conducted through GoToMeeting online plat form jointly organized by the Department of Economics, Sacred Heart College, Chalakudy and the Department of Economics, St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Irinjalakuda on 18th and 19th June 2021. The conference was inaugurated by Dr. T.K. Mishra, Vice Principal, Ramanujan College, New Delhi. The second technical session was addressed by Dr. Subhashini Muthukrishnan, Retired Professor of Economics, Bangalore. The second day first technical session was addressed by Vangie M. Bogaty, Business Consultant, USA and the second technical session was addressed by Dr. Jai Kishan Prasher, Zakir Hussain College (E), New Delhi. The valedictory session was addressed by Dada Gunamuktananda, International professional in meditation, yoga, philosophy and natural health-sciences, USA. There were 1746 participants from different parts of the world and 77 paper presentations.
25th May 2021 – National Conference on Life in the 2020s: Social, Cultural and Economic Dimensions
The Department of Economoics, Sacred Heart College, Chalakudy, Kerala conducted a “National Conference on Life in the 2020s: Social, Cultural and Economic Dimensions” on 25th May 2021. The conference was inaugurated by Dr. Sandeep Kaur, Associate Professor, Department of Economic Studies, School of Social Sciences, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, Punjab. The keynote address was delivered by Dr. Pradeep Kumar Singh, Department of Commerce, Bharathidasan Government, College for Women, (Autonomous), Puducherry. There were 20 paper presentations. The technical session was chaired by Dr. Ana Mateen, Department of Economics, AKI’s Poona College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Pune, Maharashtra.
4th May 2021 – Invited Lecture Series on Economics Thoughts of Dr. B.R Ambedkar for Indian Economy
An “Invited Lecture Series on Economics Thoughts of Dr. B.R Ambedkar for Indian Economy” was conducted on 4th May 2021 by the Department of Economics, Sacred Heart College, Chalakudy. Mr. Omprakash Sonone, Assistant Professor, Chintamani College of Commerce. Pombhurna, Maharastra was the resource person.
8th April 2021 – National Webinar on Intellectual Property Rights in the Digital World
A “National Webinar on Intellectual Property Rights in the Digital World” was conducted on 8th April 2021 in collaboration with Department of Economics, St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Irinjalakuda, Kerala. Vishal Katariya LLB.,LL.M (UK).,LL.M (US), owner KATARIYA & ASSOCIATES, Patent & Trademark Attorneys, Pune, Maharashtra was the resource person.
24th December 2020 – National Webinar on Research Methods for Beginners
A “National Webinar on Research Methods for Beginners” was conducted on 24th December 2020 in collaboration with St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Irinjalakuda, Kerala. The programme was inaugurated by Dr.Sudev Naduvath, Associate Professor, Christ, Deemed to be University, Banglore. Dr. K.P Vipin Chandran, Assistant Professor, Krishna Menon Memmorial Women’s College, Kannur was the resource person for the event.
23rd December 2020 – National Symposium on Challenges and Opportunities for Farmers in India
A “National Symposium on Challenges and Opportunities for Farmers in India” was conducted on 23rd December 2020 in collaboration with AKI’s Poona College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Pune, Maharashtra.The keynote address was delivered by Dr. R. S. Deshpande, Former Director & Honorary Visiting Professor, Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bangalore. Dr. Rajesh K, Assistant Professor, School of Management and Entrepreneurship, Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (KUFOS), Kerala and Mr.Rajat Mehrotra, Deputy HOD & Assistant Professor, Faculty of Commerce and Business Management, Amrapali Group of Institutes, Haldwani, Uttarakhand were the guest speakers for the same.
8th September 2020 – National Webinar on Economics of Gender and Gender of Economics
A “National Webinar on Economics of Gender and Gender of Economics” was conducted on 8th September 2020 in collaboration with Department of Women’s Studies, University of Calicut, Kerala. It was inaugurated by Ms. Layana Aanand,Head of the Department, Department of Women’s Studies University of Calicut. Dr. Kamalaveni Assistant Professor, Department of Women’s Studies, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu has presented a paper on “Financing gender for equality and empowerment of women”. Dr Alice Sebastian, Our Alumni and Research Officer, Department of Economic and Policy Research, Reserve Bank of India has presented a paper on “Why gender matter in translating educational achievement into labour market outcomes: the case of Kerala”.
10th March 2020 – Valedictory Function of Silver Jubilee Celebration
The Department of Economics conducted the Valedictory Function of the Silver Jubilee Celebration on 10th March 2020 in the Luminous Hall. Valedictory session was inaugurated by Dr. C C Babu, Controller of Examination, University of Calicut, Kerala. In the function we honored the faculty members of our college who have completed 25 years of teaching. Ms. Meghna Cheriyan, Secretary Alumni Association of the college, offered felicitation. Dr. Rosy Thampy, HoD Malayalam Department, felicitated representing the Jubilarian faculty. Chairperson of the student Union Ms. Krishnageethi N.S also delivered felicitation for the same.
6th and 7th December 2019 – National Seminar on The Relevance of Gandhian Philosophy and Economics in the 21st Century
The Department of Economics conducted a two days National Seminar on the occasion of the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi on the topic “The Relevance of Gandhian Philosophy and Economics in the 21st Century” on 6th and 7th December 2019. It was inaugurated by Sri. Ugin Morely, Member of Syndicate, University of Calicut. Keynote address was delivered by Dr. A Rajendran, Professor & Head of the Department of Economics, The Gandhigram Rural Institute, Gandhigram, Tamil Nadu. Dr. Rosy Thampy, Head of the Department of Malayalam chaired the second session and famous Gandhian Dr. K Aravindakshan delivered a lecture on the topic “Relevance of Gandhian Philosophy in the Modern World”.
6th December 2019 – Intercollegiate Presentation competition
The Department of Economics conducted a presentation competition for Higher Secondary and Undergraduate Students of Economics on the occasion of the 150th Birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi on the topic “Relevance of Gandhian Economics Today” on 6th December 2019. Parvathy Jaison, Vimala College, Thrissur secured the first prize and Akshay V.S, Maharajas College, Ernakulam and Akshara R, Little Flower College, Guruvayoor shared the second prize.
5th November 2019 – Association Inauguration
The activities of the Economic Association for the academic year 2019-20 was inaugurated by Dr. R Ramya, Head of the Department of Economics, Government College, Thrissur on 5th November 2019.
11th to 14th October 2019 – Class Tour
The final year Undergraduate students of the department visited Mysore and CoorgP for 4 days as part of their study tour during 11/10/2019 to 14/10/2019.
21st August 2019 – FGD on Impact of Kerala flood 2018 on adolescents
In association with the Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA), the Department of Economics and NSS unit organized a focus group discussion on the topic “Impact of Kerala flood 2018 on adolescents” on 21st August 2019. The report of the FGD was submitted to UNESCO through KILA.
13th July 2019 – Silver Jubilee Alumni Meet
The department conducted “the Silver Jubilee Alumni Meet” on 13th July 2019. Around 150 members of the alumni attended the meeting. The alumni agreed to cooperate with the department in various activities.
10th June 2019 – Silver Jubilee Commemorative Stamp
A commemorative stamp with the logo of the department was released.
16th February 2019 – Inauguration of the Economics Association 2018-19
The inauguration of the activities of the economics association for Academic Year 2018-19 and release of the manuscript magazine ‘Student Economist’ were done by Dr. Sony T.L., National award winner for the best NSS coordinator and Assistant Professor of Economics, Government College, Thrissur.
31st October 2017 – Frontier Dialogue Series
The 6th lecture in the Frontier Dialogue Series was held on 31st October 2017 by DR. K.M. Francis, Faculty, Inter University Center for Financial Economics, University of Calicut on the topic “150 years of Das Kapital, 100 years of October Revolution and 25 years of disintegration of USSR: A re-examination of Marxian Economics”.
30th October 2017 – Student Economist
The 18th edition of the manuscript magazine, ‘The Student Economist’ of the department was released.
30th October 2017 – Annual lecture series in honor of Sr. Ritty Paul
The 11th lecture in the annual lecture series in honor of Sr. Ritty Paul, former Principal and HOD of Economics, hosted by the alumni of the department of economics, was held on 30th October 2017. The lecture was delivered by Dr. D. Shyjan, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Calicut, Topic: ‘One hundred days of GST and the Indian economy’.
29th October 2017 – Orientation Programme on Capital Markets
Mr. Chandru, Manager, Hedge School of Applied Economics, Mamangalam, Kochi, Kerala, delivered an orientation lecture on Capital Markets.
6th to 10th February 2017 – Study Tour
The final year Under Graduate students of the department visited Hyderabad for 5 days as part of their study tour during 6/02/2017 to 10/02/2017.
8th December 2016 – Open Forum
The students of the department were made aware of the new initiative of the Department “The Economic Intelligence Unit” which is an extension activity of the department. Leaflets regarding e-economy were distributed to the students on 8th December 2016. Students were asked to distribute these leaflets and spread awareness regarding the different ways of operating in an e-economy. A survey is also intended to be conducted by the students regarding the impact of monetization on small traders and households in their immediate society.
24th November 2016 – Invited Lecture: Demonetization of the Indian Economy
A lecture on the topic “Demonetization of the Indian Economy” was organized to supplement the regular classes and to improve their knowledge of current affairs. Dr. E.M Thomas, Retired Professor, Christ College (Autonomous), Irinjalakuda, delivered the lecture on 24th November 2016.
17th October 2016 – Frontier Dialogue Series: Problem driven environmental research: Illustration and learning
The first of the frontier dialogue series for the academic year 2016-17 was conducted on 17th October 2016. The lecture was delivered by Dr. Bejoy K. Thomas, Fellow, Water, Land and Society Programme, Centre for Environment and Development, Ashok Trust for Research in Ecology and Environment (ATREE), Bangalore, Topic: “Problem driven environmental research: Illustration and learning”.