Title of the Practice
Creating Responsible Citizens: Let us do it together
At Sacred Heart College sincere efforts are made to inculcate a social consciousness in students through a framework of response, experience, experimentation, instruction and inspiration. Creation of responsible citizens emphasises the role of community life that knits together the members of the college, the faculty, the students and the management in a unity of purpose which fosters and keeps alive among all members a sense of belonging and partnership.Students being the future of our country, it is imperative that they learn how to interact socially, face adverse and uncomfortable crisis situations and develop humanitarian values like sympathy, empathy and love for fellow human beings which are the core values of education.
The Context
The institution has always believed that the concern for the “other”, the overcoming of the self (individual, nation, class, race or creed) is the essence of morality. The floods of August 2018 wreaked extensive havoc all over Kerala and caused huge monetary and non-monetary losses. Sacred Heart College was also extremely affected and was immersed in nine feet of water for 3 to 4 days. The entire ground floor of the main academic building which housed the Principal’s and Bursar’s Office. Administrative Office, Reception area, Physics Department, classrooms and labs, Centre for Excellence, Chemistry labs, Computer Science Department, classrooms, labs, IQAC, the library and canteen block, the self-financing block etc were inundated in water for almost a week. Once the water receded it was a heart-rending sight to see the college with layers of soggy mud and all equipment and furniture in irretrievable condition. The initial and most daunting challenge was to clean and sanitise the college premises and salvage any expensive equipment, books, furniture, computers, chemicals and other liquids used in the Chemistry labs, equipment used for Physics and Chemistry practicals and physical fitness and sports equipment. It was at this juncture that the unity of purpose in facing adverse situations was exhibited. Students, staff and management joined hands together to undertake the herculean task of cleaning with help from the army, NGOs, local body and other educational institutions. This was at huge risk since water-borne diseases, poisonous reptiles, insects of all kinds and thick coating of slimy mud had to be dealt with.
The Practice
The Departments of Physics, Chemistry and Computer Science were three of the departments which were severely affected by the floods since their labs were on the ground floor. All the laboratories and staffrooms were submerged for a week causing permanent damage to costly equipment, chemicals and computers in these labs. In addition,the furniture, computers and other equipment in the Principal’s office, administrative office and Centre for Excellence were also subject to extensive destruction.Soon after the water receded, the students and staff cleaned the labs, the equipment, furniture, computers and the books which could be salvaged with the help of volunteers. Days had to be spent to clean the garbage and mounds of mud in the labs. Many of the equipment were cleaned carefully and dried in the sunlight with the assistance of students. After drying, the students and staff checked the equipment, repaired as many as possible and applied anti-rust protective coating. This remarkable effort on the part of the students could help in retrieving a lot of equipment including CROs, potentiometers, spectrometers, power supplies, microscopes, telescopes deflection magnetometers, IC trainer’s kit etc. Most of them are still in good condition. The Departments could conduct the undergraduate practicals with the repaired equipment and some new additions. The students, staff and the management were fully involved in bringing back the college to it’s former glory and invested their time, hard work and money with single-hearted devotion and total cooperation.
Evidence of success
Problems Encountered and Resources required
Some suggestions for future initiatives in this direction as deliberated by the IQAC.
Sacred Heart College believes that students should be provided a meaningful education in an optimum environment so that they can make their life dignified and successful. Attempts are made to ensure quality education without any barriers like ability, physical disability, language, culture, family background or economic/social status.
To adopt strategies that work best to advance equity, diversity, belonging and inclusion in the distinct teaching -learning contexts.
The college admits students from diverse economic, social, cultural, educational and locational backgrounds. Fostering a feeling of belongingness and the overriding need to value students’ backgrounds, identities and experiences is considered to be essential in creating a climate that can influence anything from student engagement in class to student motivation and persistence.The challenge before teachers in our institution is to create a space where students are both challenged and heard. All this is strongly connected to how much students learn. Choosing to teach inclusively has been ingrained into the teaching methodologies of teachers. No student should feel neglected or marginalised in a classroom. All kinds of students from weak and strong financial backgrounds, from diverse social classes, differently-abled and strikingly different educational and familial backgrounds are given equitable and transformative learning opportunities. During the COVID pandemic, the online learning challenges of students varied in type and extent. Students faced many obstacles in their home learning environment such as availability of smart phones, high internet cost and limited interaction/socialization between and among students. Some other challenges faced were anxiety, depression, poor internet service and unfavourable home learning environment. These problems were aggravated in the case of marginalised students from remote areas. The challenge before the institution was to make online learning more accessible and inclusive.
The following practices are internalised in the institution :
Addressing challenging classroom moments in the form of poor self-confidence, indifferent attitude, poor level of response and interaction, non-cooperative attitude and unwillingness to learn are some of the constraints faced by the teachers.
Several methods were followed during the pandemic to deal with the challenges of online learning and teaching:
Evidence of Success
Problems encountered and Resources required
Some of the problems encountered were uncontrollable and external to the institution. However some factors were controllable and internal to the institution. Attempts to address all these issues were made within the framework of the college.
Railway Station Road, Chalakudy
Thrissur, Kerala - 680307
+91 480 2701159, +91 480 2704048
shcollegecky@gmail.com, principalshcollegecky@gmail.com