Motto: Let Knowledge Make You Free
The department of Zoology is the first UG department of the College, established in the year 1991, headed by Rev. Sr. Lalitha T Chandy. Today, the department offers B Sc. Zoology core course with Chemistry and Botany as subsidiaries and Aquaculture, Animal Husbandry and Poultry Science as the elective subjects. An open course on Reproductive Health and Sex Education is also offered by the department. Several UGC-sponsored ADD ON courses such as sericulture and quail farming are being offered by the department.
The department has several teachers who have excellent academic profile and many years of teaching experience. At present there are two regular and one guest faculty who have excelled in their separate fields of study as doctorate and rank holders. Apart from the daily teaching schedule, the faculty are involved in research activities and publish their work regularly in national and international journals with high impact factor with high author-level metric (H-index). The minor projects sanctioned by UGC have been finished on time. They also regularly participate as well as make paper presentations in international, national and state level seminars which help them to update their knowledge with the current research trends. They have also been invited to give talks in other institutes. The department also conducts one day regional seminars and UGC sponsored national seminars on a regular basis. Many eminent personalities who are doing research in top research institutes all over India have been a part of such seminars.
The department has been providing quality education and instills in the students a scientific aptitude. The students are encouraged to make presentations and participate in competitions organized by different colleges and institutes in Kerala which has given them a wider exposure in the academic field. Many have them have won prizes for quiz, debate, poster making, elocution and power point presentation competitions.
The knowledge of Biology includes scientific data, concepts, hypotheses, theories, methodology, use of instruments and conceptual themes. Well maintained Zoology museum form an important vehicle for the process of inquiry where the student experiences at first hand, about the different animals and plants that they study only in their texts. Constantly updated laboratory facilities such as hot air oven, binocular microscope with camera, electronic balance, Microtome, Kymograph, Centrifuge, Haemoglobinometer etc help the students keen on further study keep up with the research field.
Apart from academic excellence the department has always given importance to social values and integrity as well as personal development of each student. With regard to this the teachers encourage the students to regularly organize activities that promote such social values such as visit to shelter homes for the orphaned and aged. The faculty of the department is directly involved in NSS activities and has served as program officers where they have dedicated a major portion of their time for conducting social activities in the college.
The students are provided a comprehensive practical exposure to the various instrumental techniques required for their excellent performance. The rigorous academic study at each level is balanced with a number of other co-curricular activities.