Faculty members should adhere to a responsible pattern of conduct and demeanour.
Faculty should respect the right/dignity of the student in expressing her opinion.
Faculty must recognise the differences in aptitudes and capabilities of students and strive to meet their individual needs.
Faculty should encourage students to improve their attainments, develop their personalities and simultaneously contribute to community welfare.
Faculty should behave in an affectionate manner to the students and refrain from any sort of vindictive behaviour.
Faculty should be available and approachable to students even outside class hours.
Faculty should seek to make professional growth continuous through study and research.
Faculty should perform their duties in the form of teaching, tutorial, practical and seminar work conscientiously and with dedication.
Faculty should treat other members of the profession to be treated in the same manner as they themselves wish to be treated.
Faculty should cooperate with the authorities for the betterment of the institution keeping in view the interest and in conformity with the dignity of the profession.