Assistant Professor & Head
M Sc., Ph. DAssociate Professor
MSc., PhDAssistant Professor (on Contract)
MSc, Ph.DAssistant Professor (on Contract)
MSc, NETAssistant Professor (on Contract)
MScAssistant Professor & Head
MA, NET, Pursuing Ph. DAssistant Professor
MSc, NETAssistant Professor (on Contract)
MA, M.Phil, NET, Pursuing PhDAssistant Professor & Head
M Sc., Ph. DPrincipal (Professor)
M Sc., M Phil., Ph. DAssistant Professor
M Sc., Pursuing Ph. DAssistant Professor (on Contract)
MScAssistant Professor (on Contract)
M Sc.Assistant Professor (on Contract)
MScAssistant Professor (on Contract)
MScAssistant Professor & Head
M Sc., M Tech., Ph. DAssistant Professor
M Sc., Ph. DAssistant Professor
M Sc., Ph. DAssociate Professor
M Sc., Ph. DAssistant Professor (on Contract)
MScAssistant Professor (on Contract)
MScAssistant Professor & Head
M A, M Phil., Ph. DAssistant Professor
M AAssistant Professor
M AAssociate Professor & Head
M A, Ph. DAssistant Professor
M A, NET, SETAssistant Professor
M A, M Phil.Assistant Professor
M A, Pursuing Ph. DAssistant Professor (on Contract)
MAAssistant Professor (on Contract)
MA, Ph,DAssistant Professor (on Contract)
MA, B.Ed, SET, NETAssistant Professor (on Contract)
MA, B.Ed, K TETHead of the Department
MBA, LLBAssociate Professor
M Sc., M PhilAssistant Professor (on Contract)
M Com.Assistant Professor (on Contract)
MCom, NET, SET, B.EdAssistant Professor (on Contract)
Mcom, MBAAssistant Professor (on Contract)
M Com.Assistant Professor (on Contract)
MCom, NETAssistant Professor (on Contract)
MComAssistant Professor (on Contract)
MComAssistant Professor (on Contract)
MBA, M.Com, M.PhilAssistant Professor (on Contract)
M.Com, B.EdAssistant Professor & Head
M Sc., M Phil., Pursuing Ph. DAssistant Professor
M Sc., Ph. DAssistant Professor
M Sc., Ph. DAssistant Professor
M Sc., M Phil., Pursuing Ph. DAssistant Professor
M Sc, M.Phil, Pursuing Ph.DAssistant Professor (on Contract) & Head
BSc, MA, MPhil, Ph.D. SubmittedAssistant Professor (on Contract)
MSc, M.Phil, NET, SETAssistant Professor (on Contract)
MSc, NETAssistant Professor (on Contract)
MScAssociate Professor & Head
MCA, M Phil., Ph. DAssistant Professor
MCA, Ph. DAssistant Professor (on contract)
M Sc, NETAssistant Professor (on Contract)
MScAssistant Professor (on Contract)
MScAssistant Professor (on Contract)
MScAssistant Professor (on Contract) & Head
MAAssistant Professor (on Contract)
MA, B.Ed, M.PhilAssistant Professor & Head
MAAssistant Professor (on Contract)
MA, M.phil, NET, Pursuing ph.DAssociate Professor & Head, Research Guide
M Sc., M Phil., Ph. DAssistant Professor & Head
MA, JRFAssistant Professor & Head
MPE, M Phil., Ph. DHead of the Department
MBA, LLBAssistant Professor (on Contract)
Mcom, MBAAssistant Professor (on Contract)
M Com.Assistant Professor (on Contract)
MCom, NETAssistant Professor (on Contract)
MComAssistant Professor (on Contract)
MComAssistant Professor (on Contract)
MBA, M.Com, M.Phil